You’re here because you recognize the vital importance of private property rights—but don’t assume they’ll always be secure. Without vigilance, they could be taken away in an instant.
By safeguarding the ability of every person to own, use, and transfer property, we empower individuals to build wealth, foster innovation, and secure their future. Private property rights provide the foundation for responsible stewardship of resources and encourage investment in communities, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
While we are a grassroots landowner based organization, land ownership is not a requirement. Membership is open to anyone who cares about preserving freedom and prosperity today, for the children and grandchildren of tomorrow.
Protect a vanishing way of life – join STPRA in the fight for your property rights. Individual membership keeps you informed about critical battles for ALL Texans.
Protect a vanishing way of life – join STPRA in the fight for your property rights. Family membership lays the foundation for today, and your family’s future.
Protect the Legacy generations fought to create. Created especially for farm and ranch operations, businesses, and affiliates.
Protect a vanishing way of life – join STPRA in the fight for your property rights. Individual membership keeps you informed about critical battles for ALL Texans.
Protect a vanishing way of life – join STPRA in the fight for your property rights. Family membership lays the foundation for today, and your family’s future.
Protect the Legacy generations fought to create. Created especially for farm and ranch operations, businesses, and affiliates.
Your support is more than a donation; it’s an investment in freedom, security, and future generations. With your help, we can:
We work alongside lawmakers, educators, scientists, law enforcement, and landowners to ensure that private property remains a cornerstone of liberty. But we can’t do it without YOU.
P.O. Box 397
Falfurrias, TX 78355
(361) 522-5194
South Texans’ Property Rights Association is a 501(c) (3)