Landline – August 2021
August 10, 2021Landline – October 2021
October 20, 2021Landline – September 2021
A Message from Executive Director, Susan J. Kibbe
Dear Members,
With COVID rearing its ugly head again, I’d like to help get the word out about Governor Abbott’s efforts to provide 250 infusions stations throughout the state, that deliver the multiclonal antibodies which has proven to be very successful at treating COVID in its early stages. Below you will find facility locations and all the information needed. This is a game changer for many people!
I/STPRA had the distinct opportunity to host a landowner meeting in Uvalde with Senator Ted Cruz and Congressman Chip Roy. There was a good turn out and it was good to see some of our old and new members who were able to attend. The landowner meeting was preceded by a law enforcement/elected official roundtable with the Senator and Congressman, that I was invited to attend. Eight county sheriffs were in attendance, along with the new acting Del Rio Border Patrol Chief, Robert M. Garcia.
The next day we again organized a landowner/law enforcement meeting in Roma at the ranch of our former director and current advisor, Richard Guerra. I would like to sincerely thank Richard and his son’s Dickey and Jody for all of their efforts in preparing for the meeting! I would also like to thank all of our landowners that were able to attend and participate, and the three county sheriffs that were there to communicate their needs to both representatives.
Law enforcement elected official round table with Sen. Ted Cruz and Cong. Chip Roy.
Sen. Ted Cruz and Presnall Cage
Landowner meeting in Roma, hosted by Richard Guerra.
You may have seen the state’s border security efforts of providing holding facilities to enable the charging and processing of illegal aliens for trespassing on private property. This process has already been established in the Del Rio Border Patrol Sector. DPS is now looking to possibly place a facility in the RGV Border Patrol Sector. Many landowners have reservations about filing trespassing charges for fear of retribution. In order to help gauge landowners interest with the Governor’s efforts, would you please take a moment and fill out the survey.
We are in full gear in preparation for our 16th Annual Meeting & Fundraiser on October 14 at the Barn at Tacubaya Ranch west of Encino. I know this venue is a bit further south for many of you, but it will be well worth the drive. Our main speaker line up is includes U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz, Congressman Henry Cuellar, and the dynamic Mark McGinnis, former Navy Seal Commander. I expect to see you there!
Thank you to all of you who help support this organization in so many ways!!!
Until next month,

Susan J. Kibbe
Office (361) 348-3020