Landline – April 2022

A Message from Executive Director, Susan J. Kibbe

Dear Members,

Unfortunately, drought conditions continue to prevail. We are all having to adjust our business models to deal with the weather (including the terrible damages wildfires have caused), geopolitical upheaval, and the current administration’s policies that are negatively affecting landowners. We are experiencing challenges that most of us have never seen or felt before.

As the Federal Government continues to ignore the plight of landowners and citizens of this state and allow the vast majority of illegal aliens to enter and stay in the U.S., we will continue to sustain an untold number of damages and will see the safety of every citizen in South Texas affected. We are going to see more and more smugglers transporting their contraband and migrants feeling entitled to what the U.S. can offer them. Current DHS estimates say we could reach 18,000 daily crossings under the relaxed standards being considered. Friends, if that is allowed to carry through the year, it would equate to over 6 million people! We saw an unimaginable crisis unfold at 2 million, I can’t even imagine 6 million.

With this issue in mind, we are continuing to hold gatherings and informational meetings about the real time experiences of landowners and law enforcement, and the damages that are sustained as human traffickers and drug smugglers become more and more emboldened because our immigration laws are not enforced. Please find time to join us at one of these events to tell your story.

Switching gears, we are very excited that this year we will be having our annual meeting on Saturday October 8 at Casa de Palmas in McAllen. With an atmosphere reminiscent of a tropical hacienda, you may be tempted to stay all weekend. We know you will enjoy getting away for the evening, listening to speakers who are experts in their fields, and socializing and relaxing with your neighbors and new friends.

Thank you for your support!

Until next month,

Susan J. Kibbe
Office (361) 522-5194

Landline – March 2022
March 17, 2022
Landline – May 2022
May 21, 2022
Landline – March 2022
March 17, 2022
Landline – May 2022
May 21, 2022