Landline – June 2022
June 19, 2022
Landline – August 2022
August 15, 2022
Landline – June 2022
June 19, 2022
Landline – August 2022
August 15, 2022

Landline – July 2022

A Message from Executive Director, Susan J. Kibbe

Dear Members,

I hope you are surviving the throes of our South Texas summer. It’s another hot one!

Economic issues continue to affect all landowners in multiple ways. With the increased costs of doing business, it has definitely challenged us all. Many have hunkered down in survival mode. Hang on though, the elections are coming soon. We can turn this around.

I’d like to encourage all of our members and their friends and family to speak up about our lawless President and his administration. Their policies, or lack thereof, have threatened the security of our state and this nation.

Every day, all day long, groups of illegal immigrants are smuggled to the border, where families and unaccompanied minors give themselves up knowing that they will be released into the United States. But then, there are those that are circumventing law enforcement, those that are being smuggled around the checkpoints, through private property with and without being pursued by law enforcement. We know that this administration doesn’t care. They have their own agenda, and it doesn’t include the safety and wellbeing of our rural communities.

The Cartels and gangs know that there is no support for law enforcement, which emboldens them and has made their actions more brazen.

It is time for all South Texas landowners and rural communities who are directly impacted by the administration’s “Open Border” policy to speak up. It’s a “long shot”, but it’s the only way we can hope for change before the midterm elections.

On a lighter note, our 17th Annual Meeting and Fundraiser is fast approaching! We look forward to the change of venue and the ability to stay overnight for an extended experience.

You’ll be receiving notices for sponsorships and auction donations. Please give what you can. You are our life blood, and we need your continued generosity!

Thank you for your support!

Until next month,

Susan J. Kibbe
Office (361) 522-5194