STPRA has a team of representatives in Austin that includes Charles Maley, Advocacy Director, and Eric Opiela, attorney, STPRA board member and chair of our Eminent Domain and Endangered Species subcommittees. They educate policy-makers about landowner issues and concerns, inform STPRA staff and members of pending and enacted legislation and administrative actions, facilitate the testimony of STPRA's executive director and STPRA members at legislative and administrative hearings, testify at those hearings themselves when necessary, represent STPRA on the Texas Agriculture Council, and coordinate efforts with allied organizations.

Texas Legislature Online is a free public website that provides comprehensive information about members of the Legislature, proposed and passed legislation, and committee meetings. It also enables you to interact with legislators about issues of concern.
Access to the Texas Legislature Online website can be found here.

STPRA’s two political action committees provide strong, united voices for our members to be involved in the political process. The South Texans’ Property Rights Political Action Committee (STPR-PAC) works at the state level and the South Texans’ Property Rights Association Political Action Committee (STPRA Fed-PAC) works at the federal level. Both PACs make financial contributions to candidates and office holders in the state of Texas who champion favorable positions on issues which are important to STPRA. We encourage our members to make individual donations to both PACs.
To donate, please print out this form and mail to our office. Alternatively, you can donate online using our safe and secure PayPal button below. PAC donations are not tax deductible.

Come back in December to stay current with all actions taking place in the 2025 89th legislative session regarding our issues by clicking here.