Landline – April 2020
June 5, 2020
Landline – July 2020
July 9, 2020
Landline – April 2020
June 5, 2020
Landline – July 2020
July 9, 2020

Landline – June 2020

A Message from Executive Director, Susan J. Kibbe

Dear Members,

I hope that all of you have received some much-needed rain! The month of May did not fail the South Texas region after all and the showers we received are a very important asset that we can be grateful for!

The current climate, coming slowly out of the COVID 19 pandemic and now social unrest, gives us pause on how to improve our own condition at the ranch/farm. And when it comes down to it, that’s all we can really do.

South Texas landowners are some of the most fortunate in the nation. We have wide open spaces to take refuge in and are able to avoid the populous urban areas. We always knew the land was special, but this pandemic has certainly proved that point.

There are very definite concerns of how the pandemic has and will affect the landowners’ bottom line. It has shone a bright light on defects that were already known in the beef industry with packers taking their profits off the backs of producers and consumers. Beef industry groups are advocating on the behalf of the producers, so hopefully there will be a fix in the near future. The unknown is what concerns many, and one of those is the possible increase of property taxes.

What we have seen through all of this, though, are innovative ways that landowners have devised to market their products, mostly on a smaller scale, but still very interesting. They are bypassing the middle man and reaching out directly to the consumer. I think this topic would make a very interesting webinar in the future!

We are very excited about our 15th Annual Meeting and Fundraiser on October 15th. The location has been changed from the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Center to The Barn at Tacubaya Ranch near Encino to improve the social distancing aspect and to give attendees and exhibitors a change of pace. We have also changed the time as well, starting earlier and leaving earlier, giving everyone ample time to get home before dark.

I would like to thank Sylvia Chavez, STPRA advisor and owner of The Barn at Tacubaya Ranch, for generously allowing us use of the facility. She is and has been an amazing STPRA advisor and director!

We are very pleased that Lara Logan is our featured speaker this year and that our new auctioneer, Heather Schoenst Kaspar, will be offering some new and exciting fundraising methods during the live auction that we believe you’ll enjoy.

We are here, and plan to be here for the long haul, to ensure that our members and the general public are informed on issues that affect them and to advocate for any needed improvements.

Stay safe and the best to all!

Until next month,

Susan J. Kibbe
Office (361) 348-3020