Landline – October 2021
October 20, 2021Landline – December 2021
December 21, 2021Landline – November 2021
A Message from Executive Director, Susan J. Kibbe
Dear Members,
Our 16th Annual Meeting & Fundraiser (AMF) has come and gone. I’d like to say that it was an amazing success! Thank you to all that made it so, but I’d like recognize our hostess, Sylvia Chavez, for opening up her beautiful venue to us and working so hard to make it so accommodating. Words cannot express my/our thankfulness!
As I take stock of this year, with the Holiday season fast approaching, it has been one like no other. Never before has the federal government purposely failed to provide border security measures to address illegal immigration. As the U.S. tax payer continues to pour out millions of dollars per day to care for those arriving illegally, nothing is being done to address the situation, nor the Cartel’s role in this ongoing saga… with no end in sight. We face an enormous challenge as we continue to work with Congressional delegations to look for possible legal remedies that can be used to counter the onslaught.
Border Security remains one of our dominate issues; including how to find reimbursement monies for property damage due to illegal immigration. Current conditions keep it front and center, but by no means is it our only issue as it pertains to our policy positions. This includes Chronic Wasting Disease and supporting Texas Parks & Wildlife Department’s rule changes to strengthen management and prevention; the proposed new Mission international bridge and its possible new train routes; the new tax proposals put forward by the current administration; and other burdensome governmental regulations.
Please reach out to me at any time with any concerns or ideas. We appreciate you! And thank you again to all that made this year’s AMF a great success!
Until next month,